im finally making some sort of "progress" on actually dual booting my system with win2k and Redhat 7.1. But my problems are very frustrating. I broke down and backed up my data and repartitioned EVERYTHING. heres the layout (this is on a RAID 0 array with 2x 40GB HDs on the HPT370 controller):
3GB primary for win2k (installed win2k first thing - FAT32)
256MB primary (linux swap)
6.75GB primary (linux native)
70GB extended DOS partition (went back to DOS fdisk and did this)
35GB logical
35GB logical (both of these FAT32)
i would like to use the 2k(NT, whatever)loader for selecting which OS to boot on startup (win2k by default) but to get there i need to at least be able to boot up linux... =\
i managed to get what i believe is all the highpoint drivers i need for linux, and put them on boot disks (rh71boot.img, and the rest of the files in the zip file on another disk, as told to do from ) finally managed to get some progress in the redhat installer (have to go thru expert text mode) i tell the install to put lilo on the partition, and not on the MBR, as many dual boot instructions say to do (but alas, against what highpoint says to do) and i make the linux boot disk in the installer. however, when i reboot after the install is done with the boot disk, it wont fully load... it goes thru the process of initializing the IDE drives, and fails on half of them, along with a few directories it tried to load, and just stops. i have no clue what is wrong here, and i know that if i want to be able to dual boot, i need to get into the OS to edit a few things... but that isnt happening =\
just to let you know, my IDE setup is IDE1 has both CD drives (DVD and CD-RW) set up as master/slave, respectively, IDE2 is disabled, IDE3 and IDE4 have the 40GBs for the RAID.
Sorry about the long post... I am a COMPLETE NEWB with linux... only a little experience on unix workstations on campus, so please dumb down any explanation you might try to toss at me about linux =)
I would SERIOUSLY appreciate any help that any of you may be able to offer me. Thankyou in advance.