i wanted to install wine from sources (relase 20030709)
i followed instuctions, compilation took more than an hour, installation - ok. but when the wineinstall configured wine I'll get that error:
Compiling regedit...
make: Nie nic do roboty w `all'. [nothing to do in 'all']
Preparing to install default Wine registry entries...
Installing default Wine registry entries...
wine: chdir to /tmp/.wine-marek/server-345-feb7 : No such file or directory
Registry install failed.
when I try to run wine I'll get that error:
wine: chdir to /tmp/.wine-marek/server-345-feb7 : No such file or directory
how can I fix it? please, help!! I want to run Kazaa Lite on my Linux
P.S. when I installed wine from RMPs everything was OK