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Old 10-20-2004, 10:43 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 7

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Problem with Slackware 10 on MS Virtual PC 2004

I've installed MS Virtual PC 2004 in WinXP, and put Slackware 10 on it.

The installation was successful as far as I could tell, on startup I get the black terminal screen with login, and I was to use Ctrl+Alt+F[2-6] to flip through the different ttys. But after I type in "startx" to go to a window manager, when I press Ctrl+Alt+F[1-6] again, all I get is a blank black screen instead of the usual terminal texts.

After I logout/exit out of my window manager (I've tried KDE and Fluxbox), I get dump back to the blank black screen, and there's nothing much I could do except to reboot.

Basically, after I start a window manager, I can no longer go back to the basic terminal window till the next time I reboot.

Any ideas why it maybe doing that?

p.s. for others who may install linux on Virtual PC, during installation, I had to install lilo, and tell it to put the boot sector in the Master Boot Record, putting it on superblock of a bootable drive doesn't work, the installation won't boot.


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