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Old 10-08-2003, 05:31 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: 0
problem with LAM/MPI (cluster software)

I have installed SSH and I am able to secure shell from the server to any other node on a 6 node system WITHOUT the need to enter my password OR passphrase.

After installing LAM/MPI (across all the nodes) and trying to execute "lamboot hostfile", it still prompts me for my password? Why?

Someone help me please...

PS: I am using Redhat 9.0 across all the nodes
Old 04-16-2005, 06:04 AM   #2
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: internet
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 821

Rep: Reputation: 30
i am also same problem i have two nodes i can not boot nodes address is correct..

[staff@localhost staff]$ lamboot hostfile

LAM 7.0.6/MPI 2 C++/ROMIO - Indiana University

LAM failed to execute a process on the remote node "".
LAM was not trying to invoke any LAM-specific commands yet -- we were
simply trying to determine what shell was being used on the remote

LAM tried to use the remote agent command "rsh"
to invoke "echo $SHELL" on the remote node.

This usually indicates an authentication problem with the remote
agent, or some other configuration type of error in your .cshrc or
.profile file. The following is a list of items that you may wish to
check on the remote node:

- You have an account and can login to the remote machine
- Incorrect permissions on your home directory (should
probably be 0755)
- Incorrect permissions on your $HOME/.rhosts file (if you are
using rsh -- they should probably be 0644)
- You have an entry in the remote $HOME/.rhosts file (if you
are using rsh) for the machine and username that you are
running from
- Your .cshrc/.profile must not print anything out to the
standard error
- Your .cshrc/.profile should set a correct TERM type
- Your .cshrc/.profile should set the SHELL environment
variable to your default shell

Try invoking the following command at the unix command line:

rsh -n echo $SHELL

You will need to configure your local setup such that you will *not*
be prompted for a password to invoke this command on the remote node.
No output should be printed from the remote node before the output of
the command is displayed.

When you can get this command to execute successfully by hand, LAM
will probably be able to function properly.
lamboot encountered some error (see above) during the boot process,
and will now attempt to kill all nodes that it was previously able to
boot (if any).

Please wait for LAM to finish; if you interrupt this process, you may
have LAM daemons still running on remote nodes.
LAM failed to execute a process on the remote node "".
LAM was not trying to invoke any LAM-specific commands yet -- we were
simply trying to determine what shell was being used on the remote

LAM tried to use the remote agent command "rsh"
to invoke "echo $SHELL" on the remote node.

This usually indicates an authentication problem with the remote
agent, or some other configuration type of error in your .cshrc or
.profile file. The following is a list of items that you may wish to
check on the remote node:

- You have an account and can login to the remote machine
- Incorrect permissions on your home directory (should
probably be 0755)
- Incorrect permissions on your $HOME/.rhosts file (if you are
using rsh -- they should probably be 0644)
- You have an entry in the remote $HOME/.rhosts file (if you
are using rsh) for the machine and username that you are
running from
- Your .cshrc/.profile must not print anything out to the
standard error
- Your .cshrc/.profile should set a correct TERM type
- Your .cshrc/.profile should set the SHELL environment
variable to your default shell

Try invoking the following command at the unix command line:

rsh -n echo $SHELL

You will need to configure your local setup such that you will *not*
be prompted for a password to invoke this command on the remote node.
No output should be printed from the remote node before the output of
the command is displayed.

When you can get this command to execute successfully by hand, LAM
will probably be able to function properly.
[staff@localhost staff]$


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