problem with installing Perl Tk module on SuSe 9.0
I am trying to install the Perl Tk module on Suse 9.0. I followed the instructions in the REAME and INSTALL files.
I got stuck pretty much after untarring the thing when I am supposed to use the command:
perl Makefile.PL
it produces the following output:
/usr/bin/perl is installed in /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.1/i586-linux-thread-multi okay
PPM for perl5.008001
Test Compiling config/signedchar.c
Test Compile/Run config/unsigned.c
Test Compiling config/Ksprintf.c
Test Compiling -DSPRINTF_RETURN_CHAR config/Ksprintf.c
Test Compiling -DTIMEOFDAY_TZ config/tod.c
Test Compiling -DTIMEOFDAY_NO_TZ config/tod.c
Test Compiling -DTIMEOFDAY_DOTS config/tod.c
Problem gettimeofday()
Using -L/usr/X11R6/lib to find /usr/X11R6/lib/
Cannot find X include files via /usr/X11R6/include
Cannot find X include files anywhere at ./myConfig line 332.
Compilation failed in require at Makefile.PL line 36.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 38.
---- there are suggestions on how to specify the include and lib, as follows:
If Makefile.PL reports that it cannot find X, or chooses a version
you don't like you can specify a version on the command line:
perl Makefile.PL X11=/usr/local/X11R5
If X's include and lib are not under a common parent they can be specified
perl Makefile.PL X11INC=/usr/local/share/X11R5/include X11LIB=/usr/local/arch/X11R5/lib
---- but nothing works.
am I stupid?
Thanks in advance