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Old 11-20-2008, 01:14 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2003
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Problem with "Always on top" in Rdesktop + SeamlessRDP

I am running Fedora 9 with Gnome and Compiz. I have an XP Pro virtual machine running in VMware server. The XP machine has the SeamlessRDP executables, and I am able to successfully connect to the XP vm using the SeamlessRDP option in rdesktop (-A).

For those that may not know, use of SeamlessRDP means that a new X window is created for each new window on the VM, making the windows applications look native to the gnome desktop.

At some point during all my recent upgrades (upgraded to FC9 from FC7, updated vmware server, updated seamlessrdp binaries on the vm) I started having problems with the SeamlessRDP windows on the linux desktop. As far as I can tell, each X window get it's "Always on top" attribute set every time I focus the window. In other words, I will have iTunes open (running on the VM, showing up as it's own window in Gnome) and every time I focus on the window, the "Always on top" setting is turned on. If I turn it off, unfocusing and refocusing the windows turns the setting back on.

I thought the problem could be one of the following:
1.) Some strange use of the rdesktop always-on-top patch (
2.) Rdesktop forcing the always-on-top setting b/c it thinks I am running a fullscreen RDP window (i think it does this for regular RDP fullscreen sessions, no?)
3.) Compiz forcing the always-on-top setting ON for some strange reason. While I did find a rule in the Window Management -> Window Rules area of the Compiz settings for "Above", it looks like it can only be use to force the setting ON, not OFF.

Any suggestions as to how I can stop rdesktop or SeamlessRDP or Compiz from forcing the "Always on top" setting?


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