Wait, I have prepare the grub image file for u
Why not give it a try b4 u format your harddisk?
Download the image file from:
Unzip it and write it to a floppy using rawrite.
Boot up your computer with it.
On the command prompt,
grub > find /boot/grub/stage1
it should show you the partition your Redhat 8.0 is in.
grub > root (the partition given above)
grub > kernel /boot/(press tab and it shows you the kernels available) root=/dev/hdXX
* XX above is the root partition of your Redhat. You have to convert the partition just now into it following the rules:
(hd0,0) ---> /dev/hda1
(hd0,1) ---> /dev/hda2
and so on....
then finally,
grub > boot
as a example, this is how I boot my slackware linux:
grub>root (hd0,2)
grub>kernel (hd0,2)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3