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Old 04-12-2006, 03:52 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2005
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Problem compiling FUSE module


Im using Xandros 3 Open Circulation Edition.

I am trying to compile the FUSE (File System in User Space) module. I have tried do this by following the instructions here (I used apt-get instead of aptitude):

But, when I run:

m-a a-i fuse

I get the following error:

"Warning, /usr/src/xandros-kernel-source-2.6.11 seems to contain unconfigured kernel source (see manpage for details)!"

I have already created a .config file and placed it in the kernel source directory.

So, I tried downloading FUSE from the website at I got the 2.5.3 version, extracted it and run ./configure in the folder.

I get the following error:

checking kernel source directory... /usr/src/xandros-kernel-source-2.6.11
checking kernel build directory... /usr/src/xandros-kernel-source-2.6.11
checking kernel source version... Not found
configure: error:
*** Cannot determine the version of the linux kernel source. Please
*** prepare the kernel before running this script
configure: error: /bin/sh './configure' failed for kernel

Now i'm stuck.

I have installed using XN the xandros-kernel-source and the headers.

Has anyone got any ideas?

Last edited by Jason_Bassett; 08-19-2010 at 09:05 AM.
Old 04-12-2006, 04:25 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Jason_Bassett
I have already created a .config file and placed it in the kernel source directory.
You just can't make up some random .config file and stick it there. You didn't say you did this, but neither did you give any details of what "already created a .config file" actually means.

Did you run "m-a prepare" prior to "m-a a-i fuse"?

Under your /boot directory you should have some file named "config-2.6.11..." (the exact filename will depend on your specific kernel, run "uname -r" to find that). Try copying that config-2.6.11... file in /boot over to .config in your kernel source directory. This may or may not help. I found that the only way I could get some kernel modules installed was to compile my kernel from scratch. I seem to remember getting fuse and ivtv installed without the local kernel compile, but I couldn't get truecrypt installed without manually compiling the kernal beforehand. A running kernel with source installed (but not compiled locally) just wouldn't cut it for truecrypt.


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