powersave on activate with activity ?!
We have some trouble with setterm option.
2 main question :
1 - we use setterm -blank 1 -powersave on -powerdown 1
so, ok 1 minutes without activity, the screen goes to powersave mode.
the problem is, when we play a movie with mplayer (console mode), it goes to powersave mode too then 1 minute past.
Isn't a movie some activity ??
2 - we want to schedule a setterm modification with cron.
we made a script with the following lines :
export TERM
setterm -blank 0 -powersave off
if we dont define TERM, crond forward an error, TERM not define
and in any case, crond says it can not (un)set powersave.
and finally, even -blank 0 doesn't seams to apply
so the screesaver is still active.
any idea ?