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Old 07-12-2003, 01:16 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: india
Posts: 144

Rep: Reputation: 15

when i installed RH9 previously and whenever i did 'poweroff' my computer goes to complete shutdown.and when i did 'halt' only my hardisks will go off but still the power LED of my system continues to glow.but now when i resinstalled RH9 when i do 'poweroff' my system doesnt goes completely off. it just does the job of that command 'halt'.what should i do to turn my system off completely after poweroff command.any ideas?
Old 07-13-2003, 02:31 PM   #2
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You will want to have a look at your setup and see if you are using 'apm' or 'acpi' for your power management scheme.

Try 'lsmod' and see if you have either the the 'apm' or any of the 'ospm_' modules loaded.

If you see the ospm_ modules then try to start 'acpid'. With a properly configured BIOS (ACPI support and something like 'hold pwr button for 4 seconds to poweroff') and a proper acpid setup (most systems have a default script for the button event) you can bring the machine down gracefully with the power button.

If you see the apm module is loaded try starting the apm daemon 'apmd'. If it starts without any messages then you should be able to power the machine down without any problems.

If you dont see either of the modules mentioned above you can still try and load the acpid or apmd daemons as your kernel may have been built with support.


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