postfix not delivering mail
This is my first attempt at running postfix, or any
email server for that matter. I have it installed and
running on redhat 7.3. Installed from source. I did
specify a few things so its not completely default.
The only thing I actually changed was where the
queue's are. I put them in /usr/postfix/queues. I have
since moved the queues around and updated such
information in but the mail never makes it to
the mail box. It is accepting mail and I turned on
soft bounce and I get the following message in the
defer queue
"<>: cannot access mailbox
/user/postfix/queues/matt for user matt. cannot create
file exclusively: No such file or directory".
Matt is the account name I'm trying to send the mail
to. is the domain. The mail servers name
is red_box. MX records are working correctly, like I
said I know mail is getting to its just not getting to
the users mail box. Do I need to have the queues in
any special location, or is there something else that
I'm missing?
Thanks in advanced for any help.