Possible to get full RSS feed from an open facebook group?
I found something by googling but nothing works and some even say it's not possible for groups
just pages. One thing I saw was that some created an app in FB to get the access token
that he later used in his code, but that post didn't show that and the links he wrote in that post
was old so they didn't work. With full RSS I mean not just text but also any posted images etc.
Maybe RSS isn't the thing to use then let me know what and how.
So I ask you guys
-Is it possible to do something like this for a facebook GROUP!!!! and totally free since I'm gonna use that in an independent forum so any cost has to be zero.
-If it is possible can someone give me some good links and/or code for this.
//TIA B52
Last edited by Basher52; 04-07-2014 at 09:09 AM.