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Old 04-22-2005, 12:38 AM   #16
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2005
Posts: 3

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vinayp, I have followed your instructions and now when i launch ultimate bet it shows the system tray icon for a second and then it disappears and nothing happens. If I double click on the icon before it disappears it shows the checking for updates screen and then it closes out and wont launch UB.

Does this happen for anyone else?
Old 04-22-2005, 01:32 AM   #17
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2005
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Never mind i just reinstalled crossover office and started over and it worked.
Old 06-11-2005, 08:43 AM   #18
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Now I have finally tested this with CrossOver Pro 4.1. It installs fine and I can log in but when I click on "My Account" I get this message:

"Password doesn't match User ID, please try again
There was a problem with your login. Please select your choice and try again. Thank you."

I can go to the games though but the list of tables has black background with black text so you have to select a row to be able to see the stats for a table. Have anyone else had these problems too? I could probably play like this but I would like to be able to check my account and stuff too. (And yes, it's the correct username and password I'm using. It works fine in Windows.)
Old 06-11-2005, 02:51 PM   #19
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2005
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I have the same problem when it shows the list of tables. The text doesnt show up you hvae to highlight each one to see the stats about it. But I don't have the login problems I log in just fine.
Old 09-03-2005, 09:19 AM   #20
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
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I have been following the instructions and have got UB running under crossover wine, however the main screen and the web-page frame fail to load.
I get "our main screen content is currently offline, but the poker room may still be available"
and the web page does not load at the bottom.

I have tested IE6 and it loads web sites fine, even the links inside the UB program load up sites in IE ok.

I get the same problem that others have, with a lot of the text being blacked out (you have to highlight to view it)

also, I cannot create an account. When I click the button, nothing happens because the main screen doesn't load. any suggestions?
Old 09-14-2005, 04:49 PM   #21
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
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I was able to get pokerstars working by copying the installed directory from a windows machine over to wine's program files dir.... wine PokerStars.exe ... works great, although some strange charachters get thrown into the chat box when i go to chat.. no biggie because my backspace key works just fine. =)

os= slackware10
Old 03-13-2006, 12:02 AM   #22
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
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Anybody have luck getting Party Poker to run via Wine or any of the other emulators out there (free or otherwise ).
Old 03-16-2006, 03:01 PM   #23
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Boston, MA
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I recently (just yesterday) got Ultimatebet working in Linux with wine 0.9.7

The process was surprisingly simple -- I installed winetools from

(WARNING, this did blow away my existing .wine directory -- so I had to reinstall any windows apps -- this was fine, since I didn' have much)

When I ran winetools it gave me a "potential incompatibility" error, but I just hit okay. I ran the "base setup" and created the fake windows drive, installed "DCOM98" and "microsoft foundation classes" (see below) and installed "Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1"

Sometimes (but not always) when trying to install MFC it tried to download mfc40.dll from some website that fails -- I did a good search and found it at so I went to the directory from which I was running winetools originally and ran wget, went back to the terminal running winetools and closed the window to kill the attempted download. Now it grabbed the dll just fine and copied it where it needed to be.

I then used "install windows system software" to install the "windows installer".

Next, go to "Modify the Wine configuration" and select the "Audio" tab. Make sure "OSS Driver" is selected.

I now had a good wine setup that properly installed IE6 and put a link to it on my desktop. Using this link I went to and downloaded and installed the software. It installed with no problems at all and put a shortcut on my desktop (and I believe it started automatically, but I forget). In either case, when UltimateBet runs for the first time, you'll get a splash screen that will either be the UB logo, or plain white. It will probably freeze up here for a long time -- this is because BEHIND the splash screen is an ActiveX warning prompting you to accept the certificate. If **WITHOUT HITTING ANY OTHER BUTTONS FIRST** you hit <Tab><Tab><Space><Tab><Enter> you will get passed this. The first tab takes you from "No" to "Cancel", the second from "Cancel" to "Always Trust from" (which is a checkbox that gets selected by the <space>) and the third goes to "Ok". If you did this properly, you should only have to do it once and it should work nicely.

I've run this a lot and have had only two problems. The first, occasionally when you're in a game the "Main Screen" gets really small and non-resizable. Usually clicking "View Main Screen" will resolve this, and if not, it will be fixed by exiting the program when its convenient and restarting it. This does NOT affect the gameplay at all.

The second problem is a bit more irritating. When I enter a room with available seats and click on the open seat it says I'm already seated (when, of course, I'm not). To get around this, I click "Add to waiting list" and then "Leave Table". At some point in the next 20-40 seconds a window will pop up telling me a seat is available and if I accept this I get seated right away.

I hope this helps everyone out there who (like myself) has been dying to play online poker from Linux. Let me know how it works for you!!

Last edited by bc8o8; 03-16-2006 at 04:10 PM.
Old 03-16-2006, 04:04 PM   #24
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Boston, MA
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 57

Rep: Reputation: 15
I forgot to mention that the version of wine that is installed is from Debian testing (etch) -- I tried imitating these steps from a CVS version and it faile -- not sure why.


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