(I'm learning Linux ^_^ - sorry if the question is stupid ^_^)
Ok, I'm installed Fedora Core 3 with all packages in the Server section. I want to be able to test Perl site (cgi), PHP in localhost (all these packages were installed).
I already start following services:
+ postgresql (don't know if it's neccessary, but it seems so for database related activities)
+ httpd (Apache Server)
+ mysqld (MySQL server)
I copied a cgi script to the folder "/var/www/html" as the instruction of Apache and try to run it (
http://localhost/script.cgi), the script didn't run - although the browser display the content which also includes script codes as below (part of the page) (I ensure that the script is correct - because I ran it succesfully on IIS server on Windows):
Checking for %s Modules:
\n", $req ? "Required" : $data ? "Data Storage" : "Optional"; if (!$req && !$data) { print <
The following modules are optional; If your server does not have these modules installed, you only need to install them if you require the functionality that the module provides.
MSG } if ($data) { print <
The following modules are used by the different data storage options in Movable Type. In order run the system, your server needs to have at least one of these modules installed.
MSG } my $got_one_data = 0; for my $ref (@$list) { my($mod, $ver, $req, $desc) = @$ref; print "
Did I need to do any configuration to Apache server in order to run cgi and php scripts (I haven't done anything - just installed and run it) ? or do I need to install any additional modules?