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Old 03-02-2005, 01:05 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Sri Lanka
Distribution: Mandrake
Posts: 99

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Playing video from USB hard disk problem


I have two USB hard disks. One mobile disk using power from USB the other a desktop hardisk in an enclosure which uses external power. I have Mandrake 10.0 installed on my HP Compaq nx9010 notebook and my desktop pc clone having AMD Athlon 1700 XP processor. I can't play video files (mpg and .dat) from either of my external usb hard disks. I used fat32 and ext3 file systems but nothing works on Linux. But I can play video from these disks when I boot into WinXP. I thought that it was something wrong with USB harddisk and Linux but the speed seems to be OK . So it could be something wrong with Xine and Totem players. Any suggestions?


Old 03-04-2005, 07:30 AM   #2
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What exactly is the problem?
Can you mount the USB-drives? Can you access them - enter a directory containing video files?
If so it might be a problem with your players. Maybe missing codecs, but that's just a wild guess.
I'm not sure now, but I think XIne don't play mpeg but Totem should.
Try mplayer from a terminal, you should get some error information (could also launch Totem in a terminal, should display errors).
Return with info and the error messages you get!


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