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Old 01-19-2009, 06:33 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: Kentucky
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 795

Rep: Reputation: 56
Playing DVD Images w/ Totem

As the title implies, I have .iso images of several of my DVDs, and I use totem to watch them, partly because Totem just seems to run smoother in Fedora 10 than VLC. I wrote my own python script to mount the images in /mnt/iso instead of using the "right click, open with image mounter" option because when I use that neither VLC or Totem will read the URL as a playable source. So in Totem after running my script I just "Open Location, dvd:///mnt/iso". My question though is that, even though this works in Totem, it plays all of the previews and I can't seem to skip them. In VLC, it goes straight to the main menu. I wouldn't mind watching the previews if I was able to actually skip them at will. My issue with VLC is that no matter how I tweak the settings, videos skip from time to time, and on some videos, no matter how I change the audio settings, my audio skips every now and then as well. Totem seems to take up no processor time and runs flawlessly, I just want to be able to skip the previews,
Old 01-19-2009, 08:25 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2007
Location: /home/watcher69b
Distribution: RH, Fedora & CentOS
Posts: 552

Rep: Reputation: 41
lots of DVDs make you watch the previews by locking out the menu. what i tend to do is skip to the last chapter of the movie and then to the main menu. Sucks i know... like i want to watch a trailer from a movie made 4 years ago...*
Old 01-19-2009, 11:23 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: Kentucky
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 795

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Rep: Reputation: 56
I actually resolved my issue with VLC, the whole problem was Pulseaudio. I removed that and now VLC plays them all just fine, so I can use it now anyway. Now my only remaining problem is this one that just started earlier tonight:


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