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Old 10-15-2003, 08:20 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 6

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pine + Maildir + vpopmail

hi linuxer,
i wanna ask somethin about pine, " does pine support Maildir format?"
i've googling and found many topic about pine, one of them says that pine doesn't support Maildir and the others says, its support but u've to patch pine from url

mm.. i've try to patch but still can't read Maildir.

and also i found another thread from
the person says, he can use Maildir with pine by making symlink to ~vpopmail/domain/bla/bla... it is possible ?? user who has no grop to vpopmail creat symlink ? i don't think so.

btw, i use qmail for MTA, and Maildir as qmail script and also vpopmail to handle virtual domain and also courier MTA .

aku@router:~$ pine -v
Pine 4.58L0 built Wed Oct 15 16:53:29

aku@router:~$ grep inbox .pinerc
# Path of (local or remote) INBOX, e.g. ={}inbox

with that configuration, pine will read $HOMEDIR/Maildir not ~vpopmail/domains/bla/bla/Maildir

the question is...
can anybody show me the right url that i can configure my pine directly to Maildir that handle by vpopmail ? or does pine support Maildir ? can anybody show me .pinerc that use vpopmail's Maildir
Old 10-15-2003, 07:02 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
Posts: 11

Rep: Reputation: 0
1. pine doesn't support maildir, and they don't ever intend to support it in the future, it's clearly written on the homepage in the FAQ (quite stupid thing btw)

2. however, there are available pathes, but not for the latest version I know a patch for v4.50), and not fully functional (f.i. if you want to reorganise the default folders, you run into trouble), check out

3. a possible workaround is to run an IMAP server and make pine connect to it through localhost (setting-up tutorial:, the only thing about this is that every time you start up pine it asks for the imap login

4. if you run servers, a possible workaround for this is SASL (one friend of mine managed to get rid of the login with it, I don't know the details), or if you want it for home use, this page is what you need:

have a nice hacking


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