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Old 01-19-2005, 08:02 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2004
Distribution: fc4
Posts: 104

Rep: Reputation: 15
php5 configure with different php.ini file

hi all

i'm trying to compile php5 to use a different php.ini file
in my configure line i have this, among a lot of other stuff

'--with-config-file=/etc/php5.ini' '--with-config-file-path=/etc'

but the php5.ini file is never created
i ran make, and make install afterwards but the file still did not appear
does the position of the two lines above in the configure options matter?
cos they are at the end

using redhat 9, apache 2

the whole config line if you need that
'./configure' 'i686-redhat-linux' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' 
'--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--datadir=/usr/share' 
'--includedir=/usr/include' '--libdir=/usr/lib' '--libexecdir=/usr/libexec' 
'--localstatedir=/var' '--sharedstatedir=/usr/com' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' 
'--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--prefix=/usr' '--with-config-file-path=/etc' 
'--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect' 
'--disable-debug' '--enable-pic' '--disable-rpath' '--enable-inline-optimization' 
'--with-bz2' '--with-curl' '--with-dom=/usr' '--with-dom-xslt=/usr' 
'--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local' 
'--with-gd=/usr' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-ttf' '--with-gdbm' 
'--with-gettext=shared' '--with-ncurses' '--with-gmp' '--with-iconv' 
'--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-openssl' '--with-pear' '--with-png' '--with-pspell' 
'--with-regex=system' '--with-xml' '--with-expat-dir=/usr' 
'--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local' '--with-layout=GNU' '--enable-bcmath' 
'--enable-debugger' '--enable-exif' '--enable-ftp=shared' 
'--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-safe-mode' '--enable-sockets' 
'--enable-sysvsem=shared' '--enable-sysvshm=shared' '--enable-discard-path' 
'--enable-track-vars' '--enable-trans-sid' '--enable-yp' '--enable-wddx' 
'--without-oci8' '--with-imap=shared' '--with-imap-ssl' 
'--with-kerberos=/usr/kerberos' '--with-ldap=shared' '--with-mysql=shared,/usr'
 '--with-pgsql=shared' '--with-snmp=shared,/usr' '--with-snmp=shared' 
'--enable-ucd-snmp-hack' '--enable-memory-limit' '--enable-bcmath' 
'--enable-shmop' '--enable-versioning' '--enable-calendar' '--enable-dbx' 
'--enable-dio' '--enable-mcal' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-mbstr-enc-trans'
 '--disable-experimental-zts' '--with-apxs2filter' 
'--with-mysql-sock=/var/lib/mysql/' '--enable-simplexml' 
'--with-config-file=/etc/php5.ini' '--with-mysqli=/usr/bin/mysql_config'

Last edited by dtra; 01-19-2005 at 08:11 PM.
Old 01-19-2005, 08:43 PM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: May 2004
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You can copy the php.ini-dist (I think that's the correct name) from the source directory to the location you specified for it, and the edit it to suit your environment. IIRC PHP expects you to do this yourself so you make sure to look at the config file.
Old 01-19-2005, 09:04 PM   #3
Registered: Nov 2004
Distribution: fc4
Posts: 104

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
hi, thanks for your reply
i tried putting the file there
but the problem is, and i probably should have mentioned this earlier, we are trying to install and run side-by-side with php4
it doesn't seem to want to use /etc/php5.ini
just /etc/php.ini


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