Permissions in Debian - sudo works, su doesn't (etch/64Studio)
A number of problems on my newly-built Debian system (64Studio's tweak distro of Etch for amd64):
- by any means, through whatever program, the root password won't take - always reads it as wrong. This includes su, admin programs asking for the password, etc. I can still run commands through sudo, and I used an open root terminal I had to run passwd and change the root password to a very simple one (in case I was just mistyping my rather complicated former one), still no luck. What gives?
- I wanted to set up a directory for all of my music stuff (i.e. mp3s and audio recordings, projects, etc), so I decided to put a music directory in /home and make a group called music which all users would belong to - make permissions as follows for /home/music:
drwxrwxr-x 4 root music 4096 2005-09-12 12:00 music
...but it still doesn't work - my user is a member of the music group but can't write to the directory (reads fine, acts as if permissions were 755 instead of 775), and id doesn't mention the user group (also doesn't mention any other high-numbered group ids, only those less than 100, my music group is 201). Am I doing something wrong? Any ideas?
- And the actual reason this stuff came up: I'm trying to get audacity to run to record some music I recorded of a friend's show. Audacity starts, but doesn't connect to the soundcard and says audio I/O is disabled. My system is using on-board sound on an Intel motherboard through ALSA and JACK. JACK doesn't see the connections from Audacity. (This problem set may be unrelated to the permissions issues so I'll probably start a different post for that, this just for background)
All help/comments/suggestions are VERY appreciated. Thanks!
My system:
Intel Pentium 4 3.0Ghz
Debian "etch" (64Studio's version of the amd64 port)
kernel 2.6.12-1
Onboard Intel audio: HDA Intel, D915GEV board