The HD is 48 Megabytes? What are your partition schemes, 24 and 24? Just curious how you are running it, seems a bit tight to be dual booting...
Nonetheless, let's see what we can do.
I don't believe an 'undo' exists, but if there is no data necessary to recover, you can play. Using linux fdisk, delete all partitions (the 'd' key). Then create 1 partition encompassing the entire disk (n, p, 1, enter). Write this, (w) and then create a filesystem (we'll use ext2) mke2fs /dev/hda1 (assuming this is hda). Now, mount it:
mkdir /mnt/hda1
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1
And then use df to see if the entire disk is there (minus the 5% given to root, you can adjust that with the mke2fs command, read the man page if you are interested).
If it is, you can then go back and use fdisk to play around with sizes to get the desired partition sizes you are looking for.
Good Luck!