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Old 12-09-2000, 11:20 AM   #1
Tristan Sharp
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2000
Location: Harrogate, North Yorkshire
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Red face

Whoever I've decided to email:

I'm having problems installing RH Linux 6.0 (that's unusual, I don't think).

Although I think I've figured things out now I have messed up my disk partitions and I can't start again. I get as far as using (Linux)fdisk and when I select edit it loads but just returns me to the installation menu before I can see anything and when I press edit again it just flashes the black fdisk screen and returns me to the menu again so I can't do anything.

I also can't just start again because MS-fdisk is acting wired too.

Please email me for pictures if you need them.

If I load MS fdisk it tells me some wired stuff. Firstly, it says that my primary partition (currently holding Windows) takes up 79% of my disk, and my extended partition takes up 53%. To see this more clearly look at JPEG p1. If I look at the Extended partition it says I have no logical
drives (p2), and if I try to delete the extended partition it says I have (p4), but I can't delete any logical drives because it says I don't have any (p3)! And natch I can't delete the primary partition or create logical drives (p5 & P6), so it won't let me do anything.

Can you help me?

My hard drive is new so I don't need any information saved so I just need to start again. I want to dual boot Windows/Linux on my computer.

Also are any later or different versions of Linux easier to install and are there any easier partition setup programs for Linux other than fdisk (disk druid won't work on my 40Gb hard drive).

If you can help me it would be a BIG help and would be very much appreciated.

If you need it my system spec is:

AMD athlon 750MHz
GA-71XE Motherboard
128Mb PC133 SDRAM
52x ATAPI CD-ROM Drive
4x ---------"---------
UDMA 33/66 5200rpm 40Gb IDE Hard drive
AGP 32Mb Winfast GeForce 256 Graphics card
PCI 56.6Kbps Modem (just got it don't have a clue, it just works)
ISA Sound Blaster 16

The graphics look a little funny in windows before I install the driver for my card, will it be alright in Linux?

That's all of this letter hope you have the time for it.
Bye :-)

P.S. rushed it MS notepad sorry about any spelling, formatting etc.
Old 12-10-2000, 12:10 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2000
Location: Toronto Canada
Distribution: slackware 7.1
Posts: 95

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if you want easy I suggest Mandrake 7.0-7.2 It comes with a nice graphical disk partitioner.If your ide is Ata66 and your using a Ata66 cable and drive Mandrake7.2 will install on that drive.
Old 12-11-2000, 12:26 AM   #3
Larry James
Registered: Jun 2000
Location: Buffalo, New York
Distribution: Ubuntu, Raspbian
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I had problems partitioning disk a few times. I booted to the two start-up diskettes for Slackware and was able to work with the partitions with no problems each time. Most of the time it was for clients' machines that were running Windows and NT.

Along with Ssadams' suggestion, consider grabbing the install disk from to work with the partitioning. Then try to proceed with your install to a drive without partitions.

I find the and the to contain excellent partitioning abilities when it came to hard drives stubborn about releasing its current partition.

Redhat might also contain a boot disk set that you could use as opposed to starting the install from DOS.

Your spelling and text formatting was excellent. Your conscientiousness makes my self-conscience about mine. Most of the time I'm reading a lot of messages and pop my responses quick. Every once in a while I'll run my text through a spell checker then pastes it back. I should do this more often.

By the way, I ran this one through and had 4 misspelled words and three grammar checks.

-- L. James
Old 02-10-2003, 12:45 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Shawano, Wi
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I'm going through the same thing you are. Try finding Ranish Partition Manager (RPM) on a google search, I forgot the site name. I used this and it worked great. It takes a little time to learn how to use it, but it's worth it. It partitions and formats on the fly, real scary at first. It also has a companion program that is real handy, a small boot manager the comes up during startup that lets you toggle to the partition you want to boot from. I found out the hard way. Lets just say I got stuck in an empty linux patition with no way back to the windows partition.


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