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Old 04-27-2009, 02:53 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2006
Distribution: Gentoo, Slackware, Debian, Suse
Posts: 86

Rep: Reputation: 15
Pandora FMS installation

Hi all!

I'm setting up Pandora for the first time, so I'm not familiar with it like with other analogues.
While installing, I faced few problems:

1) Pandora cannot draw any charts or graphs. I think that the problem lies in that it cannot find GraphViz binaries at default location which is /usr/bin/twopi
The problem is that I cannot install twopi into /usr/bin/twopi due to lack of permissions (on my system all packages are installed with another PREFIX), but this path is hardcoded in install.php file. I've changed that location there, but do I need to make any other modifications to code so my system will be able to draw graphs?

Aslo is it obligatory to have gv_php = yes while I'm compiling Graphviz ? Cause I also have some problems with that

2) For some reason SMNP-server shuts down after 2 minutes as I started it.
I've tried setting it up on 2 completely different machines (one was Spart/Solaris another PC/Linux). I haven't found anything suspicious in logs. Server just starts', waiting for a minute or two and then shuts down

3) While adding remote_icmp module, there are errors in logs that states I have to run pings only as root (althou documentation states that all peandora_ servers must run from pandora user).

I've raised such question on Pandora's dev forum as well, but i didn't get any responce so I thought maybe you guys could help me
Old 05-04-2009, 09:57 AM   #2
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I don't know Pandora, so a few words about GraphViz only :

Easy to set up to --prefix=/home/"user"/GraphViz
and then link GraphViz/bin/* to /home/"user"/bin/.

I got the source code here > .. Agree .. >
> > graphviz-2.22.2-1.src.rpm

gv_php ? Says no to my 'php6-devel' and yes to all other
availabe ' -devel ' files.
But the alternative could be : Find an '.rpm' for your
OS, unpack it ( rpm2cpio <package> | cpio -idmv ) and
copy the binaries to/home/"user"/bin/ .
'/home/"user"/bin/' may already be in your path.

Last edited by knudfl; 05-04-2009 at 09:58 AM.


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