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Old 04-06-2007, 05:55 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2007
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom
Distribution: Fedora 6
Posts: 10

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Package Manager Error

I'm having a bit of a problem with package manager in FC6,

everytime i click the button to add/remove software in the menu, i get an eror come up saying "Unable to retrieve software information. This could be caused by not having a network connection available. DETAILS: Cannot find a vallid baseurl for repo: core"

the thing is i know for a fact that there is no network conection at the moment becuase my house runs on a completely wireless network (unfortunately) and from what i've read, i need to install software that will allow me to use my wireless adapter.

does anyone know how to resolve this problem please?


Old 04-06-2007, 07:24 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: UK
Distribution: Ubuntu Feisty
Posts: 272

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Feel compelled to help out a fellow west-yorkshire man!! Simply put, you can't update your computer without a connection to the internet. Before you even think about Wireless (which can be a total bitch on linux), get your ethernet cable out, and go plug into your router, let Fedora acquire an address and then click update again. Let it all download. While your installing packages, install kernel-source which you will need for building packages. With an updated system, we can tackle your wireless:

Wireless support in Linux is getting better, but is still ropey. Most likely you will have to use ndiswrapper to install your windows driver on linux. Find out what sort of card you have with

lspci (in a terminal)

Look for the network controller (not ethernet). Next have a google around and see if your particular card has a native linux driver (rt2500 does for example). If not then download (stable) ndiswrapper from Presuming you are new to linux: To install this you have to extract it, configure it, compile it (make it) and then install it. Then you can use it to load the windows driver. There are lots of ndiswrapper howtos for Fedora on so I won't go into details here. Have a search around, but be prepared for putting some hours in!! As I said, wireless is still a trouble in linux. Good luck mate.
Old 04-07-2007, 03:42 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2007
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Thanks for the prompt reply fella, Where about in Yorkshire are you from??

Originally Posted by lebabyg
Wireless support in Linux is getting better, but is still ropey. Most likely you will have to use ndiswrapper to install your windows driver on linux. Find out what sort of card you have with

lspci (in a terminal)
I'm using a USB wireless adaptor (Linksys WUSB54G V.2 to be precise) to connect to the internet, as its my desktop pc that ive installed linux oni've been reading a fair bit about ndiwsrapper and as far as I can tell you're right that is what i'll need to install the windows drivers for it.

I had a funny feeling you were going to tell me i had to connect using wires hehe, ah well im jsut gonna have to hope myhousemates dont trip over it while im sorting this out

Last edited by bullit.mosh; 04-07-2007 at 03:44 AM.
Old 04-07-2007, 04:39 AM   #4
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: UK
Distribution: Ubuntu Feisty
Posts: 272

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I'm from Halifax mate, or Scallyfax as it's better described!!

I think that you're in luck with the linksys WUSB54G V.2. I had a similar PCMCIA card to it on my old laptop (before it died a horrible death in a sea of vomit) and I remember it being quite stable. Have a look on the ndiswrapper website. In short you need to:
1. Download ndiswrapper
2. Extract
3. Compile (make, make install)
4. In Fedora you also have to do make install-fedora (from what I remember of FC4)
5. Download your .exe windows driver from linksys, or get it off the installation cd
6. Extract this .exe file with cabextract (you may need to install this)
7. Install the .inf and .sys files by invoking ndiswrapper -i /path/to/.inf ndiswrapper -i /path/to/.sys
8. Configure your card

As i said, there are lots of howto's for installing ndiswrapper on fedora. Good luck!!
Old 04-07-2007, 04:47 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2007
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom
Distribution: Fedora 6
Posts: 10

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Originally Posted by lebabyg
I'm from Halifax mate, or Scallyfax as it's better described!!

I think that you're in luck with the linksys WUSB54G V.2. I had a similar PCMCIA card to it on my old laptop (before it died a horrible death in a sea of vomit) and I remember it being quite stable. Have a look on the ndiswrapper website. In short you need to:
1. Download ndiswrapper
2. Extract
3. Compile (make, make install)
4. In Fedora you also have to do make install-fedora (from what I remember of FC4)
5. Download your .exe windows driver from linksys, or get it off the installation cd
6. Extract this .exe file with cabextract (you may need to install this)
7. Install the .inf and .sys files by invoking ndiswrapper -i /path/to/.inf ndiswrapper -i /path/to/.sys
8. Configure your card

As i said, there are lots of howto's for installing ndiswrapper on fedora. Good luck!!

ahh good old scallyfax I lived there for about a year, wasnt much fun though to be fair, and as for the laptop death I'm glad you didnt go into detail sounds like a poor way for a laptop to go out hehe,

anyways thanks for your help I wont be trying this until I get home tonight(as I'm at work right now) butif i have anymore problems i'll post back on here .


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