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Old 03-05-2014, 05:22 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Gregg Bell View Post
Thanks. I've just added to the memory so that this computer is now 2GB. Not sure what you're asking about the cpu usage. Here's a screenshot of what the task manager shows right now.

And I've turned this computer 100% Xubuntu. The old computer was XP so I don't want that, but is there a way to get,say, Windows 7 on this computer? Thanks.
I was not asking about CPU usage, but which brand and model of CPU you have. Regarding Windows 7, you wouldn't have much fun with that, even if it will install (IIRC, Windows 7 will refuse to install on harddisks with less than 40GB of space) your harddisk will be almost completely filled with just the OS, not much room to work on that.
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Old 03-05-2014, 09:02 PM   #17
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Windows 7 could be installed to 500 meg memory but even the 32 bit version ought to have 1G ram. I wouldn't try the 64 bit on that.

So, with even xubuntu you may not get some huge numbers for ram available. The commercial type vm's would consume ram along with the host OS and leave some overhead for slack.

I'd agree that you should find out if the system/cpu supports any VM features. Most AMD's do from some very old versions. Not all intel processors do even some newish ones.
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Old 03-06-2014, 01:54 AM   #18
Gregg Bell
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Originally Posted by TobiSGD View Post
I was not asking about CPU usage, but which brand and model of CPU you have. Regarding Windows 7, you wouldn't have much fun with that, even if it will install (IIRC, Windows 7 will refuse to install on harddisks with less than 40GB of space) your harddisk will be almost completely filled with just the OS, not much room to work on that.
Thanks Tobi. I'm thinking I'm not even going to need Windows for anything. And thanks for the info. on Window 7. Apprciate it.
Old 03-06-2014, 01:56 AM   #19
Gregg Bell
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Originally Posted by jefro View Post
Windows 7 could be installed to 500 meg memory but even the 32 bit version ought to have 1G ram. I wouldn't try the 64 bit on that.

So, with even xubuntu you may not get some huge numbers for ram available. The commercial type vm's would consume ram along with the host OS and leave some overhead for slack.

I'd agree that you should find out if the system/cpu supports any VM features. Most AMD's do from some very old versions. Not all intel processors do even some newish ones.
Thanks Jefro. I've got Intel Pentium 4. But like I was saying to Tobi, I'm thinking I'm not even going to need Windows. Appreciate the help. Thanks a lot.


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