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Old 02-26-2014, 01:19 PM   #1
LQ Guru
Registered: Dec 2007
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Oprofile question

Is there a way to get oprofile to sample everything in the process running the specified image?

That means sample the image itself and sample .so files loaded by that image, but not the same .so files in processes running other images.

Many years ago in an older version of oprofile, I figured out how to do that (though it was completely contradictory to what the documentation said the options I was using should do). But when I upgraded oprofile to use with a newer Centos, none of that worked and I can't find anything that does.

If I use --separate=library in opcontrol, that captures the information to know which .so samples were associated with the correct image. But it seems to prevent any selection by image in capturing the data. So far more data is captured than I would like, even though (with difficulty) it is then possible to pick out the desired data from the total captured.

I'm currently using Oprofile 0.9.4 on Centos
On a different Centos system, I have Oprofile 0.9.7 (but am missing other things I would need for using it).
If there is a good reason to upgrade from 0.9.4 to 0.9.7 (or other) on the system I am using, I can convince IT to help me with that (especially if it is expected to fix the problem I'm asking about). But I don't want to ask IT to do something without knowing what to expect.

Last edited by johnsfine; 02-27-2014 at 08:12 AM.


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