OpenOffice and Print to File
I am running Open Office 1.0 on Mandrake 8.2.
I tried to print an Open Office text document (.swx file), using "print to file".
Then there's pop up window for me to type the output file name, and the type can be chosen "Postscript" or "PDF".
However, I chose either one, the result is afterall a postscript format output (view-able by gv). Even if I chose "PDF" format, the result is NOT readable by xpdf/acroread. (In fact, the result "pdf" file is still just a postscript format file).
Anyone has similar problem, or should I configure something? Or this print to PDF feature is NOT real at all?
Note: if I use Abiword 1.0 or KWord, the print to file of PDF format would work, and a real PDF file will be created.