I am a newbie to not only Linux, but also LDAP. In fact my entire company is and we are all learning as we go along.
We want to start to using LDAP and have been trying to work through some LDAP turtorials and we have still managed to get stuck.
We are just doing some very basic things just to get started.
Now for the problem
When I issue the command:
ldapadd -f fraternity.ldif -xv -D "cn=DeanWormer,o=delta" -h
Just a side note: The reason that we are not using rootpw at this time is because every time that we try we just get error that we have invalid credentials. So we decided to forget them at this point and just so without.
I get this output:
ldap_init(, 0 )
add objectClass:
add dc:
add o:
add description:
The Delta House Fraternity Domain
adding new entry "o=delta"
ldap_add: Insufficient access
ldif_record() = 50
Here is my slapd.conf file:
# $OpenLDAP: pkg/ldap/servers/slapd/slapd.conf,v 2001/09/27 20:00:31 kurt Exp $
# See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
# This file should NOT be world readable.
include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
#include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
#include /etc/openldap/schema/redhat/rfc822-MailMember.schema
#include /etc/openldap/schema/redhat/autofs.schema
#include /etc/openldap/schema/redhat/kerberosobject.schema
# Define global ACLs to disable default read access.
# Do not enable referrals until AFTER you have a working directory
# service AND an understanding of referrals.
#referral ldap://root.openldap.org
#pidfile //var/run/slapd.pid
#argsfile //var/run/slapd.args
# Create a replication log in /var/lib/ldap for use by slurpd.
#replogfile /var/lib/ldap/master-slapd.replog
# Load dynamic backend modules:
# modulepath /usr/sbin/openldap
# moduleload back_ldap.la
# moduleload back_ldbm.la
# moduleload back_passwd.la
# moduleload back_shell.la
# The next three lines allow use of TLS for connections using a dummy test
# certificate, but you should generate a proper certificate by changing to
# /usr/share/ssl/certs, running "make slapd.pem", and fixing permissions on
# slapd.pem so that the ldap user or group can read it.
# TLSCertificateFile /usr/share/ssl/certs/slapd.pem
# TLSCertificateKeyFile /usr/share/ssl/certs/slapd.pem
# TLSCACertificateFile /usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
# ldbm database definitions
database ldbm
suffix "o=delta"
# Only one suffix allowed per database
#suffix "dc=delta,dc=org"
rootdn "cn=DeanWormer,o=delta"
#rootpw secret2
directory /var/lib/ldap/fraternity
defaultaccess read
schemacheck on
lastmod on
index cn,sn,st eq,pres,sub
Here is a shortened version of my fraternity.ldif:
dn: o=delta
objectClass: top
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
dc: delta
o: delta
description: The Delta House Fraternity Domain
dn: o=delta
objectClass: top
objectClass: organization
o: delta
description: Delta House
dn: cn=DeanWormer,o=delta
objectClass: organizationalRole
cn: DeanWormer
description: LDAP Directory Administrator
dn: ou=1961,o=delta
ou: 1961
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
description: Year of Graduation 1961
dn: cn=Bluto Butarsky,ou=1961,o=delta
cn: Bluto Butarsky
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
givenname: John
sn: Butarsky
ou: 1961
uid: 1961
employeeType: S
postalAddress: 14 Cherry St.
l: Austin
st: TX
postalcode: 76888
telephoneNumber: (800)555-1212
homePhone: 800-555-1313
facsimileTelephoneNumber: 800-555-1414
Sorry the files were so long. Any bit of help would be great. Thanks.