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Old 02-17-2004, 11:16 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Florence, AL
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 157

Rep: Reputation: 30
Open-Source GUI Backup for Linux/UNIX

OK Here is what I am looking to find on Linux. I want an open-source gui based frontend for backing up my files on Linux. I want it to basically mimic the features somewhat of Dantz Retrospect. Which are to be able to backup to network drives, ftp server, or cd/dvd. Is there anything out there like this. I have seen mondo rescue but it is not exactly what I want because I want something with a GUI that can be scheduled.

What are the options out there for me?
Old 02-17-2004, 11:20 AM   #2
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I am not familiar with Dantz Restrospect (in fact, I have never heard of it) but scheduling a GUI program to run at different times sounds counter-productive.

Is a GUI really that important? It sounds like what you want to do is pretty static (same things to back up every time). You could write a bash script to do this pretty easily and just tell cron when you want it to run to have it done without you having to worry about it.

Old 02-17-2004, 11:57 AM   #3
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Florence, AL
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 157

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Well is there something that will help me set this up? This is one of the things that keeps me from switching full time to linux for desktop use.

I want some visual feedback on my laptop that it is backing up. I want this to backup only changed files each time and be able to restore multiple versions of files.

Maybe I don't "need" a gui but I would like to have it. I could get other users to move to linux if I could find some program like this. I also looked at arkeia but I want the server I back up to to be able to back up to something other than a tape drive.


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