Hello. I'm still kinda a newbie I would suppose, but I suppose this belongs in here. I downloaded Rx Linux, which is a bootable iso LAMP server. You've got your apache, mySQL, and PHP right there, ready to go. perfect! just what i need! but.. how do i configure it/ use it? the documentation on the On-X site doesn't cover it, and so far my google search has not been of help.
the iso size is something like 10- 30 meg's, it isn't big at all. so for those of you who are curious, it's an easy shot.
I also tried sentry firewall, which sounds nice. what with having the configurations on floppy and all that. any idea on how i can turn that into a LAMP server?
OR! i could just use my current slackware installation and do it that way. thats my last option, and one i am preparing for.
with my planned setup, I want something portable that will allow me to turn any computer into a server. Rx Linux does this, but it's just a matter of how do i use it. here's what i need some help with:
I don't need help with them in themselves, i can look stuff up online for PHP, SSH, and MySQL if i need to. It's really a more of, how do i use it with THIS distro?
if, however, you have played with sentry firewall and know of a good way of turning that into a LAMP server, i'd be glad to hear it. (that, or any other live distro that can pull it's configuration files off of a floppy, since editing an iso is currently not an option)
Well, any help you can offer is welcome.
and this is the coolest smiley i've ever seen. (as much as i hate them)