ntp server issue
we have an ntp server to which ~350 clients sync. we could see that ntp server process is running on server:
ntpd -u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -g
however, we do not see any ports opened for ntp service on server:
netstat -atunlp|grep "LISTEN"|grep ntp
neither telnet to 123 port of ntpserver is not happening from anywhere. We do not have iptables. Also we have not changed anything in the setup except adding some 50 new clients with same setup. The issue is that, clients are not synced with server and are out of sync. ntp client service is running on all clients. If we try to sync the time with "ntpdate -u <ntp svr ip>" on clients, the time is getting synced. syslog does not show any issues. what could be the issue.
Last edited by pankajd; 03-05-2014 at 12:40 AM.