Originally Posted by ajkannan83
How to view and run the linux GUI application in windows machine.
If I understand Your problem correctly, You want to be able to view graphical applications on Your Windows desktop, started on a Linux machine to which You are connected via putty.
Then You need an X Window server on Your windows machine and You need to run putty with X-tunnelling enabled.
For X window server I use Xming. For putty, enable X11-forwarding under Categories-> SSH -> Tunnels-
Hope it helps.
If the problem is local, for example if You su to root, from a normal user account, there may be rights issues with displaying applications. But You can use the same approach, instead of doing su - for example, You can do ssh -X root@localhost (enabling X11-forwarding). If root is allowed ssh-access that is. And that You really need to be root.
Or You can fiddle with the X display/rights settings, xhost or something.