for a hp printer
there is NO NEED to "kludge" things
( if you do not know -- then google " to kludge things " it is a verb )
the HP icon should auto display in the notification area once the printer is turned on
it was NOT displayed in the screen shot i posted because i DO NOT keep my printer powered up if i am not using it
you did setup the printer in CUPS ? right ?
make sure the HP software is installed
( if the printer WAS pluged in and turned ON at the time of opensuse 13 install this WILL HAVE been auto done by the operating system installer )
su -
zypper in hplip hplip-hpijs hplip-sane python-reportlab
click the below link -- that IS your printer
if you have not added it
do so
once the printer IS installed and you have ran a GOOD looking "test print"
to make SURE that the icon will be displayed
open a terminal and type this
a pop up window will pop-up
click on "configure "
in that NEW window click on the "system tray icon" TAB
click " Always on"
"hide when inactive " -- use this
"always hide"
and it is in the system tray