Hi though reinstalling VLC helped for awhile the error is back and going through google and more debuging found below warning
[0x7f3e20001248] main vout display warning: VoutDisplayEvent 'pictures invalid'
[0x7f3e20001248] main vout display error: Failed to resize display
Fontconfig warning: FcPattern object size does not accept value "0"
Fontconfig warning: FcPattern object size does not accept value "0"
[0x7f3e20001248] main vout display warning: VoutDisplayEvent 'pictures invalid'
[0x7f3e20001248] main vout display warning: VoutDisplayEvent 'pictures invalid'
[0x7f3e20001248] main vout display error: Failed to resize display
[0x1093118] pulse audio output warning: starting late (-14412 us)
[0x7f3e28001ea8] main video output warning: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 29 ms)
Found the answer in a forum "by changing out put to X11" took care of the matter (hope this time solution is permanent
Would be nice to know why though!
Best Regards