I've been using the newspipe (
http://newspipe.sourceforge.net/) rss to email program for almost all of my rss needs for a while now.
However, i can't get authenticated feeds working. i don't post on livejournal (well unless i'm catatonically bored), but i read it to keep abreast of friends. if i'm going to read a feed i'd like it to be authenticated (otherwise i can't read locked posts). I can't get this working.
in my feeds.opml i have for example:
<outline title="journal name"
text="journal name"
has anyone got something like this to work?
Before i started using this i had thunderbird as an email client (i've since migrated to mutt). i've still got thunderbird for these feeds, and i'd like to get rid of it. the problem is i like the fact that thunderbird and rss to email services enable the saving of results to an inbox (so if i don't read it before the feed's updated, it's still there). i like all my communications services to be available over plain ssh, so i'd like either a console newsreader i can use for this (NOT centericq, i didn't like it), or if someone knows how to get this to work with newspipe, i'd be grateful.
Thanks for your time.