Hopefully someone here will be able to help, I am very new to Linux and am really just starting out learning the absolute basics.
I just installed Suse 9.1 on dual boot will windows, all seems to be working fine,
so I thought then, I should try to install some more programs,
and here I am having some pretty major problems.
I downloaded and installed realplayer 10 as an rpm, that worked fine, did it through yast, which all seemed pretty easy.
Then I downloaded realproducer and now I am CONFUSED, it is in a .sh file, and Im not sure what to do with it
I have also downloaded -
antivir -
I seemed to get this to install through konsole, which I found very confusing, this reminds me of when I used to have my old 486 and used to have type dos commands to boot into windows 3.1
It seems to have installed, but I cant find it!!!
bitdefender -
I installed through rpm, but I cant find that either!!!!
Attepmted to install through konsole again, it just listed pages of user agreement and then i couldnt get any further
Im about to download firefox so hopefully I`ll have more luck, because 1 out of 4 is really pretty bad, I have shiney new realplayer but cant get any of thers working, and all that download time on a terrible 56k connection
I am really looking at moving from windows to linux, but at this rate theyll be another iceage by the time i get all the programmes working I need,
can anyone help??? Please??????????
Oh and PS - does anyone know of a good zx spectrum emulator that would work on suse, I miss the old days of playing manic miner till 6am.......did ANYONE ever complete that?????????????