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Old 08-17-2003, 07:28 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Phoenix, AZ - USA
Distribution: RedHat 8, Micro$haft
Posts: 33

Rep: Reputation: 15
Need linux hacks for RH8 distro

Not sure were to look, but I was hoping to get in the right direction on a few things here.

Firstly, I would like to continue using my RH8 box, however, I would like to wipe out all "Red Hat" references possible displayed during the boot process. Mainly the part on the screen from grub or lilo when selecting a kernal to run - that screen has a huge graphic of Red Hat.

Also, once the machine begins to post - Right before it starts kicking off servies [PASSED] or [FAILED] replies down the right side of the screen. Just before this starts, there is a clear message in red "Red Hat Linux" pops up.

After the boot, the actual command prompt given to the user actually says "Red Hat Linux 8.0" as well as the kernel number, then a boot prompt. I want all this RedHat stuff to go away and just give me a boot prompt of my choosing.

Basically, I'm showing a product off to some customers who are very excited that I have built this product. In reality, I use a standard RH8 install to fire up apache, ssh, and mySql. I then hit my application directly via apache with a web browser from antoher computer on the networik. Everyone says "oh, wow, you wrote that whole thing. Great for you."

... inevitably some geek will see "Red Hat" flashing up during a reboot at a demo and point out that I "just used red hat to write my application" which is not true, but it's counter productive to the image I'm trying to maintain with this.

So how can I make all these red hat references go away? I know what OS I'm using, and I'd rather it just say nothing about the OS during the boot up or while awaiting a login at the command prompt.

Help? Surely someone has done this before. I've dug all over the box looking for special little hidden files that may contain these values, but haven't found anything just yet.

Help Help Help??????

Thank you!
Old 08-17-2003, 08:03 AM   #2
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Good news for us is that for you to avoid claiming someone else's hard work as you own you need to do a kernel recompile from vanilla stock.

Why not just show this customer how you've managed to setup a linux system to enable you to remotely use an app as though it's on the terminal pc?
Old 08-17-2003, 11:54 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2003
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i dunno bout this or not... but i would think that those type of files are in the /boot directory

But i think Proud is right with his opinion
Old 08-17-2003, 11:44 PM   #4
Registered: May 2003
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If you wrote this app. yourself, and you want to sell it, then eventually the truth will come out. Why not explain how the whole thing works. Do you want to take credit for RH also? I don't understand what or why you are trying to hide anything.


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