it does not hang the entire system. as i said, mythfrontend completely freezes. when i go to shut it down or when i try and kill it manually, it will not end. i just sits there in the background of the screen and it will not shutdown, i have to hard reset it in order to get it to function again. this all happened recently, relatively, it was running perfectly until about a month ago when a new driver update, core update and mythtv update came about the same time. i cannot figure out which one is messed up.
i am inclined to agree that it is a driver issue or maybe a problem with my nvidia 9800 gtx, which is an older card but i think the issue is something wiht the card and the driver which 331.xx is installing for some reason and i think that is possible not a good driver for that card maybe. but i have installed fc21 on the computer with the kmod 331 driver and with only neuoveao (sp) driver and both exibited the same issue...