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Old 01-05-2015, 12:57 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2010
Posts: 277

Rep: Reputation: 28
mythfrontend freezes

i am having issues since around the last update exiting the mythtv frontend. the backend seems to be operating well, no issues but the fc20 frontend will not exit if i do anything with any vidoe (either watch tv or watch anything recorded).

at first i thought it was the something with fc20 so i put fc21 on and had the same issues. i do not have the problem with the frontend on my other pc. i checked the hard drives and the ram and those seem to not have issues. i have also reinstalled fc20 and still had the issue so i am pretty sure it is something with the program. i have also turned off airplay. i saw that was an issue last year but it still persists. any input because it is literally unusable right now. once it freezes i have to hard reset the pc to get it off because i cannot kill the process and it even hangs when i just us "reboot".

i also could find nothing in the logs.
Old 01-08-2015, 04:53 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2009
Distribution: Ubuntu 14.04
Posts: 21

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Hangs are almost always related to device drivers. Make sure you have the latest device drivers for the graphics card in the system which is hanging.

Also you may want to try connecting into the machine remotely to see if the entire system really is hung or if just the screen you are seeing is hung. For example you may try pinging the system, or SSHing in and killing the front end process PS -A etc.
Old 01-10-2015, 11:23 AM   #3
Registered: Sep 2010
Posts: 277

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Rep: Reputation: 28
it does not hang the entire system. as i said, mythfrontend completely freezes. when i go to shut it down or when i try and kill it manually, it will not end. i just sits there in the background of the screen and it will not shutdown, i have to hard reset it in order to get it to function again. this all happened recently, relatively, it was running perfectly until about a month ago when a new driver update, core update and mythtv update came about the same time. i cannot figure out which one is messed up.

i am inclined to agree that it is a driver issue or maybe a problem with my nvidia 9800 gtx, which is an older card but i think the issue is something wiht the card and the driver which 331.xx is installing for some reason and i think that is possible not a good driver for that card maybe. but i have installed fc21 on the computer with the kmod 331 driver and with only neuoveao (sp) driver and both exibited the same issue...
Old 01-11-2015, 09:23 AM   #4
Registered: Sep 2010
Posts: 277

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Rep: Reputation: 28
i have nealry literally tried everything else including installing mythtv and downloading and installing the proprietary driver from nvidia, installing differing version of kmod and akmod, installing fc 21 and with the nouveau and kmod drivers. i think i have fingered this out. i have 4 hard drives mounted,

sda - main drive
sdb - mythtv drive
sdc - storage
sdd - storage

i have been receiving notice that sdc is failing however it would also appear that sdb, even though i am not getting any notice, is also failing. after everything else and that, i switched to having mythtv record to sda and it is working well again. i would have never guessed it was another failing hard drive.


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