My system chrases under arch and manjaro and ramusage is totally wrong
Hello all
It is my first time here so i hope i do everything right
Since a while a got problems with manjaro and with arch on my desktop!
So far i've got 4Gb of ram and if i came close to 1gb of use there are two diffrent things that happen!
First thing is a total hang up of OS or the seconed version is that my ram fall down to around 300mb af ramusage and the system start to swap extremly (1gb and more) Memtest86 says the ram is fine!
Now i installed mint for testing it is with other distros the same but under mint everything works fine and the ram/swapusage is normal
Two hours of mprime stresstest runed without any errors!
So here is my question How i can verify which package is responsable for this crashes?
I didn't want to go back to something ubuntubased
Last edited by Maniak; 08-24-2014 at 01:44 PM.
Reason: solved It is depend to the hardware exactly to one of the ramslots it just works when it's like to