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Old 07-13-2003, 12:03 PM   #1
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My new dvd's???

Ok, so I was given the "Led Zep" live dvd's for a birthday pressie.

so I've played it under wind0w$ (windvd) and apart from the fact that the audio breaks up a little if I "flick" between app's (making me think that windvd is using most of the graphics card memory resources),

I was thinking about which dvd player would be the best to try and have a go at under linux (mandrake 9.1).

I did a quick google and have seen one called "ogle", and mention of others. So which is likely to be easiest to get going under mandrake, bearing in mind that my sound card runs the audio from my cdrw and not the dvd player.

I seem to have realplayer G2, xine and Xmovie installed, but what with the mention of the "ogle" from google, I am a little confused as to which app will/might actually play dvd's


Old 07-13-2003, 12:06 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Apps that simply play DVD's:
(probably a laundry list more, but these are the 3 main mentioned ones around here)

Easiest to setup and just "work" probably Ogle. Most versatile, best all around for everything: MPlayer. Best Gui: Xine.

The thing is though John, I don't think you have much (read any) luck hearing the thing unless you move that audio cable to your DVD drive.

Old 07-13-2003, 12:06 PM   #3
LQ Guru
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Oh, and what was I thinking

Bust open your favorite term and su - to root, then type:
urpmi ogle
And it should be on your install discs. Same with xine and mplayer.


Happy Birthday!
Old 07-13-2003, 12:49 PM   #4
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# Mandrake links
Mandrake home page
Mandrake Users website
Easy urpmi config for Mandrake
urpmi mini-HOWTO
Easy software management: Red Carpet
Maximum RPM
You didn't install the developmental packages? As root, command:
urpmi gcc
An Introduction to the Midnight Commander. You can install it by commanding:
urpmi mc
Midnight Commander home page
Old 07-13-2003, 05:01 PM   #5
LQ Guru
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DVD plays through programs so you should not need the audio cable.

You can try cdda2wav and direct the sound to the sound card instead to a file. No CD audio cable needed. All it needs is a working IDE cable. Not many CD-ROM/DVD drives can handle cdda extraction.
Old 07-13-2003, 05:08 PM   #6
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I perfer MPlayer myself, it was a breeze to setup and I had no problems getting it to work Xine and Ogle I ran into a few snags.

Happy Birthday!!!
Old 07-13-2003, 06:42 PM   #7
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Cheers Loungelizard,

As for the dvd's, it looks like I'll have to try ogle and Mplayer.

I'll report back when I've had a go at it

Thanks one and all for the suggestions


Old 07-14-2003, 03:21 PM   #8
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Well, I'ts back to square 1, I was trying to see if anything I had installed would run the DVD, and made a total balls up so I have just spent the afternoon re-installing the OS aaaarrrrrrggggghhhh!

Anyhow, at least during the re-install I remembered to include Mplayer to try.


Old 07-14-2003, 09:37 PM   #9
LQ Guru
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Oh man! Well, glad you got mplayer now. I'm sorry to hear you had to re-install, that's never a good thing.

Old 07-15-2003, 03:43 AM   #10
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And whats making the re-install worse, is that now for no apparent reason, I'm having problems with my mouse.

It's the same "generic" ps2 wheel mouse that I have used all along. I have dropped back into window's to see if its the acutal mouse or whether it's got to be a software or config thing, which is what it seems to be, cos it's ok under window$!

And even when I search, I am having a little difficulty in working out which files I need to look at (in fact what I would look at even If I found the files.



Old 07-15-2003, 04:55 AM   #11
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linux is pretty good about only hosing what you were
messing with at the time, so with some more experience
and things, you'll get where you never need to reinstall
the whole thing. just a few parts.
you also probably could have backed up your /etc
and /home directories before you reinstalled, then
restored them, and your settings would have been
mostly the same.
Old 07-15-2003, 05:12 AM   #12
LQ Guru
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Originally posted by bigjohn
And whats making the re-install worse, is that now for no apparent reason, I'm having problems with my mouse.

It's the same "generic" ps2 wheel mouse that I have used all along. I have dropped back into window's to see if its the acutal mouse or whether it's got to be a software or config thing, which is what it seems to be, cos it's ok under window$!

And even when I search, I am having a little difficulty in working out which files I need to look at (in fact what I would look at even If I found the files.



What kind of problems? If you've got a thread, point me to it, I'll take a peek.

Old 07-15-2003, 06:41 AM   #13
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Not to worry Chad,

I get so stressed when things start happening that I don't understand or follow I, invariably resort to the "toys out of pram" answer and re-install again!

Which I am just completing now.

Perhaps I should try and work out how to get my system set up so all the different elements are in different directories/partitions - though that would take some working out.

So I'll just set the opera skin to one I like and then "start" on Mplayer.


Old 07-15-2003, 06:43 AM   #14
LQ Guru
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Good deal, well everyone has their ways of getting things working

Old 07-15-2003, 07:34 AM   #15
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Well I've got Mplayer installed, and it will start with a "run" command, but I haven't got the faintest idea how to configure it to see the DVD player.

Just to precis some of the confusion, my system has 2 removeable drives. A cdrw and a dvd player. The front end of mandrake seems to see the devices as CDROM (actually the dvd player) and CDROM2 (actually the cdrw). Now if I try and use them, using CDROM/2 nonclamenture,the system doesn't seem to have the faintest idea how and I get varying error's.

Now, When you were helping me sort the audio cd snags that I had, we established that to listen to a cd, I had to tell the system to look at /dev/scd0 which seems to work OK with kscd and grip (I won't bore you with the path that I have to use to get sound from XMMS, irrespective of how clever it is). At the same time, I sussed out that the dvd is not only known as CDROM by the system, but also as "hdb".

Mplayer seems to be able to open a dvd player, but when I tried that, I just got the "unable to open....etc" error. Also, I have tried to tell it to look at "hdb" to no avail.

And when I try and make mplayer see something, I can sometimes get it showing a list of video files but I cant make it play anything, also when I try and look at chapters, files, etc it won't let me select anything.

I am presuming that the software manages to get the sound to the card because of not having an audio cable from the dvd drive to the sound card?

Any ideas???



p.s. I still reckon that when you "get out", you should try and get yourself a hospital post where they will let you study and go for a Pharmacy Degree, surely you could manage some sort of arrangement under the GI bill (I think that's what it's called anyway). Otherwise, judging by your current occupation, and your obvious learning and interllectual ability, it would be a waste.

I am a great believer in "get it while you can" otherwise you would be in danger of ending up like me - bitter and twisted regreting that I didn't do this or that when I should have - While I enjoy driving trucks - it's dead end and the only way to get on is to try for anything that may pay more (fat chance).

As a little "by the way", our family are currently encouraging one of the nephews to "keep at it" he's interested in forensic pathology, and while he is finding his studies a "drag", we keep reminding him that the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow" is the salary i.e. between £120,000 to £180,000 per annum. I know that a Pharmacist wouldn't get quite that much, but probably enough to keep your family in a style to which they would like to become accustomed (and you could end up with "camaro's" plural, on your driveway)


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