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Old 04-08-2006, 12:38 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2005
Location: Puerto Rico
Distribution: Linux Suse 10.0
Posts: 49

Rep: Reputation: 15
Multi boot system

I have two hard disk drives. On one of them (D0) Windows XP is installed, and on the other one (D1) I installed Suse Linux 9.3. Some time later I installed Xandros Deluxe 3.0 on the second HD drive (D1). After that I am unable to access Suse Linux 9.3.

When the computer starts Xandros Boot Options screen appears as follows:

1. Windows XP
2. Xandros Desktop 3.0 Deluxe
3. Safe Video Mode
4. Configure (expert)

Is there any way of replacing Xandros Boot Options Menu for Suse’s, and to be able to have the following options available:

1. Windows XP
2. Suse Linux 9.3 Professional
3. Suse Linux 9.3 (Xen)
4. Xandros Desktop 3.0 Deluxe
5. Safe Video Mode
6. Configure (expert)
Old 04-08-2006, 12:41 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Distribution: Gentoo 2006.1(2.6.17-gentoo-r7)
Posts: 222

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Originally Posted by sfzab
I have two hard disk drives. On one of them (D0) Windows XP is installed, and on the other one (D1) I installed Suse Linux 9.3. Some time later I installed Xandros Deluxe 3.0 on the second HD drive (D1). After that I am unable to access Suse Linux 9.3.

When the computer starts Xandros Boot Options screen appears as follows:

1. Windows XP
2. Xandros Desktop 3.0 Deluxe
3. Safe Video Mode
4. Configure (expert)

Is there any way of replacing Xandros Boot Options Menu for Suse’s, and to be able to have the following options available:

1. Windows XP
2. Suse Linux 9.3 Professional
3. Suse Linux 9.3 (Xen)
4. Xandros Desktop 3.0 Deluxe
5. Safe Video Mode
6. Configure (expert)
What boot manager are you using?

edit the conf for the boot manager. eg: /etc/lilo.conf or /etc/grub.conf
Old 04-08-2006, 02:23 PM   #3
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Registered: Aug 2003
Location: New Delhi, India
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Do you wish to install the Suse's bootloader in place of xandros or do you wish to just add entries to the xandros boot menu.

I believe that xandros uses grub as the bootloader so you should perhaps look at editing the /boot/grub/menu.lst file from xandros and add the suse entries.


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