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Old 06-15-2003, 09:47 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Vail, CO
Posts: 73

Rep: Reputation: 15
MPPE for vpn?

Yesterday I downloaded poptop to run a vpn server. I managed to get it to work and people are able to connect, the only problem I am having is getting the encryption to work. I am using Slackware 9.0, I read from several places that I need to compile a new linux kernel with a patch. I downloaded and extracted Linux-2.4.20.tar.gz and then applied this patch to it (linux-2.4.19-mppe-mppc-0.96.patch.gz). After the kernel was done compiling I copied BzImage from i386 folder to my boot folder. I then ran lilo -v and rebooted. It booted up find but the network cards would no longer work. I typed in ipconfig -a to see if they were there but could not see them. Also netconfig could no find the network cards. My question is, Is there anyway to enable the encryption without having to copy a new kernel. I do not know what setting my Slackware kernel has (I used bare.i). And I do not want to lose anything that they added. I just want to add the patch for mppe. Also when Im configuring my kernel (used make menuconfig) there were a lot of options. Where on my distro can I find the configuration and just load them on the set-up? I really don't know what a lot of these are.

Old 06-15-2003, 10:59 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Vail, CO
Posts: 73

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Rep: Reputation: 15
This is what I have now
I downloaded a copy of Linux-2.4.20
Patched it with linux-2.4.21 (patch-2.4.21) that I downloaded from
Then I patched it with linux-2.4.21-openssl-0.96b-mppe.patch.gz
It patched fine with no error messages
What is it that I need to do now to get this to work with Slackware?
I really dont want to lose my network cards or anything else if I screw up. I also need help with the configureation. I just want to use the configuration that came with Slackware (bare.i). If I type make menuconfig there is an option to load a configuration. I dont want to lose any patches that Slackware has in its kernel.


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