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Old 03-30-2006, 05:18 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 252

Rep: Reputation: 30
Mplayer Keys/Keyboard Config

Hello, I have a bunch of questions about the ~/.mplayer/input.conf file. I could not find an mplayer specific forum, so I am posting here.

First I have some questions about specific syntax of the input.conf file:

1) How do you set a single letter key (for example, 'a' or 'l' or 'b') to do a command? I can have managed to make it use keys like RIGHT and LEFT but not single keys. Some simple example code would be much appreciated.
2) How do you specify a key with a modifier like CTRL or SHIFT? Is shift merely the uppercase letter used in the input.conf file?

Secondly, I would really get some help with determining the exact commands/syntax for the ~/.mplayer/input.conf file for certain actions. I know the help/man pages seem pretty explicit, but I'm still having trouble. I REALLY just need some examples of some of these commands in action.

* Toggle loop playback on and off
* Cycle aspect ratios, or at least how to assign one to a specific key if cycling is not available
* Toggle window border on/off
* Zoom in/out
* Reset Video/Window size to original (source video size)
* Toggle interlace/deinterlace
Setting different keys for:
* Cycle through available internal subtitles (currently 'j' and 'b')
* Cycle through available internal audio tracks (currently '#' according to the man pages, but I cannot get it work)
* Volume increase/decrease (currently '9' and '0')
* Load file (currently 'l' in GUI mode)
Is it possible to do:
* Frame backwards and pause (similar to the key '.', but in reverse)
* Setting an A+B playback in the video
Disabling the following keys/features:
* contrast
* brightness
* hue
* saturation
I assume I could probably set the command to NULL or something, but I'm wondering if there is a better way
Old 03-30-2006, 07:54 PM   #2
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: ???
Distribution: Mandriva 2006
Posts: 92

Rep: Reputation: 15
To get a list of the commands mplayer uses in the config file:
mplayer -input cmdlist
To get a list of keys:
mplayer -input keylist
To bind a single letter key, put the letter then a space and the command:
z sub_delay -0.1
q quit
To disable a key you can put the key and then something mplayer doesn't understand as a command.
For example, do this to disable the contrast controls:
1 null
2 null


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