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Old 11-15-2008, 01:46 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Raleigh, NC
Distribution: CentOS 2.6.18-53.1.4.el5
Posts: 770

Rep: Reputation: 44
mplayer behavior: playing a looping mms feed, stops after each video

So I have a mms stream setup running off vlc and I'm playing the stream in mplayer. The stream has 5 short .avi's that play one after another in a continuous loop. If I play the stream on my laptop with windows media player it plays the loop fine. But when I play the stream in mplayer on my linux box it picks up the video in progress, plays it fine, but then stops at the end of the video and ends mplayer. If I start mplayer up again with the same stream info it picks up the next video, plays it and then shutsdown mplayer at the end of that video. Anyway to make mplayer play the stream continuously?
Old 11-21-2008, 09:13 AM   #2
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Registered: Apr 2004
Location: Potchefstroom, South Africa
Distribution: Fedora 17 - 3.3.4-5.fc17.x86_64
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How about two bash scripts - one calls mplayer four times (for each clip), and the fifth line calls another bash script, which calls the first script back, thus setting up an infinite loop?

Something like
gmplayer -vo xv mms://123123
gmplayer -vo xv mms://123123
gmplayer -vo xv mms://123123
gmplayer -vo xv mms://123123
sh -f
sh -f
Old 11-21-2008, 01:12 PM   #3
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Raleigh, NC
Distribution: CentOS 2.6.18-53.1.4.el5
Posts: 770

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Rep: Reputation: 44
That would probably work except I am streaming the videos with a VLC script that includes all the videos.. So Im using mplayer to play the stream by mplayer mms://iport

There has to be something that can be done within mplayer or even VLC. I have a feeling its disconnecting the stream because it thinks the video is over once one video stops. I believe you can set streams to be gapless but I can't figure out how to stream video with the gapless option in vlc. But since Windows Media Player plays the loop as planned I figured there was an option in mplayer to behave that same way.


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