Originally Posted by psychiedave
Hiya, newbie here.
I've looked all over for mp3 codecs but can't seem to find any? I'm using suse 11.2 .... any reccomendations?
You may need to enable nonfree and/or multimedia repositories (lists of packages) to give you these choices. From a quick web search I got this site, which may be helpful to you:
http://opensuse-community.org/Restricted_Formats. For mp3 players, if using gnome, then install rhythmbox. If using kde, then install amarok.
Originally Posted by psychiedave
Also I downloaded flash player and it said I'd installed it. It didn't work. I tried reinstalling it and it flew a tantrum saying it was already installed. Yet I still can't play flash material in firefox???
You need the plugin. So, search Yast (or whatever package manager/program installer that SuSE uses) for flash and/or mozilla plugins. In Debian, it's flashplugin-nonfree (or flashplayer-mozilla also works). It's likely something similar in SuSE. Just do a search through your package options.