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rayesteq 09-23-2004 04:13 AM

Mozilla after rebooting?(Mozilla or Ext3??)
Hi everybody;

I want to ask about the the window when appears after rebooting or a golden finger;that window asks me which user do I want to use for Mozilla. I have only one user the "default one" and mozilla shows this.What I want is: I want Mozilla doesn't ask me this question and always uses the default user prefrences.
I am not sure is this a problem of mozilla or a file system problem?Do you know that "ext 2-3" have a guarantee of recovering or something like that?If they dont what is your advices about such a file system that always make a backup for (example: for mozilla) preferences and use them after a sudden electricity down?Because my application needs this?
(My work about "point of information" stations they uses Linux and Mozilla i wrote a small program uses Mozilla and connect to my server and get the information and shows it.All you need is just start the machine and everything will be done by my programme but as I told you in sudden crashes on electricity Mozilla sometimes asks about the user profile sometimes not thats the reason of this thread)

Thanks for Your consideration


PenguinPwrdBox 09-23-2004 06:38 AM

You are asked this question because you already have an instance of mozilla running.
After your reboot, open a console and try this:

ps -aux | less | grep mozilla
If you get entries - find the number that is closest to the left (it will be a four or five digit number - called a process id)
Then, once you have found the number:

kill <your process id here>
Now launch mozilla - should be good.

If this works, look at your xinit scripts, as well as /home/.kde/Autostart (if you are using KDE) to remove mozilla from startup.

rayesteq 09-23-2004 07:05 AM

Thanks for your respond PenguinPwrdBox;

But I think I have to clear some more things; for example I f i can do this (POI(point of information)) there will be no mouse and no keyboard.Just the screens and small embeded computers.If a company ( or what else )uses this ,they all need a person just for switch on and off the computer, so they don't have to be responsible for console (also they don't want to either)...Do you understand me now?

Lets come to your point ;you said that

"You are asked this question because you already have an instance of mozilla running."

How can it be a mozilla instance running after a sudden electricity down?and How can i cope with this?
I think this is one of the main point!

Thansk for your consideration

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