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Old 03-10-2018, 04:55 AM   #1
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mounts boot, home and "main folder of the filesystem" in sidebar of filemanagers but no usb mount

Strange mounts; boot, home and "main folder of filesystem" in filemanagers
Three partitions appear mounted in (not only) Nautilus (but every) side-bar called "Places" /boot / (written as "main folder of filesystem") and /home all with the eject button that (obviously) does not work.
I looked into the settings of Nautilus an those of the GnomeTweakTool as well, but can't find anything to get rid of those mounts.

It was gone for a couple of weeks, but now it's back.
Even worst: plugged in USB devices do not appear, it seems they don't mount automagically anymore.

This appears not to be a Nautilus problem because these three mounts also appear in Nemo and Thunar and when selecting Gnome Tweak Tool -> Desktop -> (Show) Mounted Volumes they appear on the desktop. So it might as well be a Gnome (3.26.2) problem.
Old 03-10-2018, 05:53 AM   #2
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i don't think it's a gnome problem either.
please give us some information about your system:
which distro
when did you install
how does it deviate from a standard, vanilla install
output of 'mount' command
Old 03-10-2018, 10:20 AM   #3
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what does your filesystem look like? ls /
printout of fstab. cat /etc/fstab
Old 03-10-2018, 08:35 PM   #4
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It doesn't sound like a problem.
Old 03-11-2018, 01:17 PM   #5
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@ondoho and @BW-userx thanks for your fast replies.
I'm on Fedora 27, WM is Gnome X11, no Wayland because of nvidia's driver.

I found out that this problem does not exist on "Gnome Classical" but I really don't like that Applications and Locations menu (and, even worse, the bottom windows bar that covers my Dock)

Mount and fstab are here

when did you install
how does it deviate from a standard, vanilla install
I always upgrade about a month after a new release is out, hoping most of the child diseases are cured. Must have been around half February.
In the ten years that I run Fedora only one time had to do a clean install, took me a week and a half, never again...
Also this dirty old system quite deviates from a standard, vanilla install say the least! :-D

It doesn't sound like a problem.
I totally agree with that but then again "not all problems sound." ;-)
Old 03-11-2018, 03:00 PM   #6
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as suspected you do have a partition named boot
UUID=62fffe91-d64f-4448-b675-7734f2a307a4 /boot                   ext4    defaults        1 2
so what file manager are you using, some have within the preferences a option on what mounts to show. That can be selected or de-selected. and some work long with the desktop to show them on the desktop, or the desktop itself has somewhere within it's settings what to show and what not to show for mounts on the desktop. xfce4 for example, when I run that I got all kinds of folders on my desktop for everything, all of my partitions and usb mounts when plugged in etc...

I don't much pay attention to it because I am rarely in xfce4 else I'd remove them all using the setting on what mounts to show.

PCMANFM shows all of my partitions as well, I just do not click on them unless I want to access them. it is really a norm.

Last edited by BW-userx; 03-11-2018 at 03:04 PM.
Old 03-11-2018, 03:00 PM   #7
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what you describe tallies with your fstab and mount.
maybe you can fix it by adding some comments to the fstab entries.
i have for example
on some entries - you would want the opposite of that.
Old 03-11-2018, 05:16 PM   #8
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@BW-userx I'm using the Nautilus file manager. There is nothing in the preferences concerning mounted volumes for sure. There is a setting in the Gnome Tweak Tool to mount volumes on the desktop but that also only mounts root, boot and home on the desktop and ( guessed it!) no plugged in usb stick or disk drive.
@ondoho I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean by
defaults,comment=x-gvfs-show on some entries - you would want the opposite of that.
Do you mean defaults,comment=x-gvfs-hide?
My laptop also runs Fedora 27 and no problem there, the fstab is (apart from volume names) the same.

Last edited by linuxghost; 03-11-2018 at 05:20 PM. Reason: clarification
Old 03-12-2018, 06:44 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by linuxghost View Post
Do you mean defaults,comment=x-gvfs-hide?
seems you hit it.
this search:
led me to this result:
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