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Old 02-25-2009, 11:17 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2008
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Mount SMB Share with Users Login Credentials??

Alright, so here is the environment:

I am trying to incorporate Ubunutu/Xubuntu machines into a windows network. I have gotten the machines to join the domain using Likewise open. I would like for the user's home folder (on an SMB Share) to be mapped and for the share to be mounted with the users login credentials (so the user can't access others files) I also need this to be automated/scripted/etc because it will be the first time the user will have ever used Linux. (I'm trying to keep it similar to their windows environment)

Here is what I am guessing:
I've tried to configure Samba with no luck. I have desperately searched the web and found PAM_Mount to be the only thing close to what I need for this. But have not found any guides on how to use it.

I can deal with it if I only get the users mounted with their credentials, but if anyone can help me out with this I would be VERY grateful!

Old 02-25-2009, 05:43 PM   #2
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