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Old 03-21-2006, 06:09 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2006
Distribution: FC4
Posts: 184

Rep: Reputation: 31
mod_perl requirements

hi ,
i was trying to install rt-3.4.5....its some tracking and grading system for a company....anyways..this rt thing requires perl after configuring rt..i came to a step where i had to restart httpd..but then it gave me an error message that it requires mod_perl i downloaded mod_perl2.0..but its heavliy dependant on other softwares..there were certain things i found on its website but cudnt understand it a wee bit.....cud someone please explain the following things...

# Perl

* Prefork MPM

Requires at least Perl version 5.6.1.

You don't need to have threads-support enabled in Perl. If you do have it, it must be ithreads and not 5005threads! If you have:

% perl5.8.0 -V:use5005threads

you must rebuild Perl without threads enabled or with -Dusethreads. Remember that threads-support slows things down and on some platforms it's unstable (e.g., FreeBSD), so don't enable it unless you really need it.
* Threaded MPMs

Require at least Perl version 5.8.0 with ithreads support built-in. That means that it should report:

% perl5.8.0 -V:useithreads -V:usemultiplicity

If that's not what you see rebuild Perl with -Dusethreads.
* Static prefork build

Perl with ithreads support version 5.6.1 or higher

Perl without ithreads support version 5.8.2 or higher
* Static non-prefork build

Perl with ithreads support version 5.8.0 or higher

If you want to run applications that take benefit of Perl's Perl version 5.8.1 or higher w/ithreads enabled is required. Perl 5.8.0's doesn't work with mod_perl 2.0.

*CPAN Perl Modules

* 3.11
* Compress::Zlib 1.09

Though the easiest way to satisfy all the dependencies is to install Bundle::Apache2 available from CPAN.
the subheaders of Perl like Prefork MPM etc..



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