Originally Posted by baronobeefdip
well it works in mplayer (technically kmplayer in ubuntu maverik meerkat) and it shows subtitles i don't want to see the subtitles how do i disable the kmplayer doens't have a right-click feature like vlc does, gnome mplayer doesn't play it well when i try to switch the subtitles off and when i switch the audio language to english, it starts glitching after that
Try this at the shell prompt:
mplayer <name of your video>
Once your video is playing, you could try this commands:
v --> Toogle subtitle visibility.
p --> Pause/continue video
9-0 --> Increase/Decrease audio
up-down --> Step forward/backward 1 minute
left-right --> Step forward/backward 10 seconds
# --> Cycle through the available audio tracks
¿How is your video played?