I have a Canon Ixus 40 which makes great movies in:
VIDEO: [MJPG] 640x480 24bpp 30.000 fps 12084.0 kbps (1475.1 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:3 fourcc:0x47504A4D size:640x480 fps:30.00 ftime:=0.0333
I can watch the movies in mplayer and vlc,
1.) but Cinelerra doesn't recognize the video at all and delivers poor audio. Doe's Cinelerra need a special lib to do this? If yes, which one? Any idea? I know that i can transform the movies first with mencoder, but is this as good as it gets?
2.) Kino only handles DV, is this correct?
3.) Lives handles (transcodes while importing) the canon movies, but without audio...
I just want to be able to edit my clips
. I don't even think about editing my clips from my nokia..